Magnolia Courses
Dreams start young, and for some dreams an important step is learning how to speak English. Whether a child wants to be an astronaut, chef, office worker, or dancer, speaking English is always a useful ability. The Magnolia Courses are full immersion English courses designed to help students
reach some pretty big goals.

"First, think . Second, dream . Third, believe . And finally, dare ." -Walt Disney
Work for your future.
6-11 years old
2-4 people
44 lessons / year
(1 lesson / week)
Half an hour
60 minutes
Members 13,200 yen
Non-members 14,300 yen / month
Razz Kids
Study File
Prep Work
Half an hour

Eiken 5
You will be ready to take the Eiken 5th grade in 30-44 weeks.
Frequency & Progression
The Magnolia courses are structured around six units per year with between 7-10 lessons per unit. Each unit is based on different grammar points taken from the EIKEN Tests. By breaking down these different grammar points into smaller learning concepts reinforced by EIKEN vocabulary, students can learn at a much faster rate.
The courses have been carefully designed so that the material learned in each unit is systematically reviewed and applied to all the following units' learning concepts. This allows students to build understanding from topics they know while also tackling more advanced grammar.
To achieve this goal, class time is used to explore learning concepts while 'at home' time is for personal guided study and vocabulary practice.
Challenging the EIKEN Test
Once a student has completed at least 30 weeks of a Magnolia course they will have studied most of the material on the EIKEN Level 5 test. Our Magnolia students have great success when taking the Eiken tests, and most pass EIKEN 5 & 4 within two years of starting Magnolia course. Please check our event calendar for information on our EIKEN practice test days.
A Week in Magnolia Course
In a Magnolia course the learning doesn't just happen in the classroom. Every week has about 30 minutes of prep work and 30 minutes of homework that is designed to be worked on a little each day of the week. Every student builds a Study File These files have study sheets that guide the student through the different materials that make up the prep work. The course also has homework worksheets and diary writing exercises each week.

Study Sheet
A worksheet that guides students on what prep work to do each week. It includes QR codes and a picture dictionary.
Video Study
Three types of online videos to assist with at home learning. Vocab practice, Grammar practice, and Review videos.
Worksheets that help students practice the target grammar that is taught each week. Students are expected to complete 2-3 worksheets every week.
A journal that encourages English writing without the guidance of worksheets. Promotes independent use of English.

Raz Kids
An online portal with student access to graded readers. Raz Kids is a program that is used in many International Schools as well as schools in America. It is an all English application with an easy to use log in. In the Magnolia Course, books are Each book includes guided reading practice, as well as dictionary and pronunciation tools. The use of Raz Kids is already included in the Course fee. A log in and password is provided to students when they register for Magnolia.
Grammar video
Word video
Raz Kids
Word video
Review Video
Word video

* Sample Week
Course Availablity
30 min